Tien Shan (Kazakhstan)
The Tien Shan Mts. form the northern rim of the large central Asian mountain system enveloping the Tibetan plateau. To the north, the foothills lead into the Kazakh steppe, to the east, ranges smooth out into the Mongolian highlands. Long, very cold winters and warm, dry summers characterise the large, glaciated temperate zone mountain range. The examples presented here are from the front ranges which can be reached in a few hours from Almati (formerly Alma Ata), the capital of Kazakhstan. Peaks exceed 4000 m.
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A dry midsummer aspect of S-exposed
(Cyperaceae) grassland at 3100 m elevation. As many as 70 species of higher plants can be
found here within 10 m
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Both massively tap rooted
Oxytropis sp.
(Fabaceae) (3300 m, shown here) and
Astragalus sp.
(Fabaceae) (2900 m) show root nodules (nitrogen fixing
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The Tien Shan, a geologically young, steep and glaciated mountain range (a buried block
glacier in the foreground at 3100 m).